Frontier District to host meeting on increasing row crop yields with weed and fungus control

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The Frontier Extension District will host a meeting, “Increasing Row Crop Yields with Weed and Fungus Control,” at 6:00 p.m. on February 22, 2024, at Grace Community Church, 310 East 8th Street in Overbrook, Kansas. Presenters for the evening will be Sarah Lancaster, weed science extension specialist, and Dr. Rodrigo Onofre, row crop extension specialist.


Lancaster will begin the evening by discussing timely tips for corn and soybean weed management and a short list of new herbicide products. She will also examine new cases of herbicide resistance and what that means for waterhemp control in corn and soybeans. She will also discuss designing a residual herbicide program to combat this troublesome weed.


Onofre will follow with a discussion of two diseases, Corn Tar Spot and how devastating it can be and Sudden Death syndrome in soybeans and what can be done to prevent it.


Corn Tar Spot is a relatively new fungus that is affecting corn acres in the northeast corner of Kansas, as well as in Illinois and Missouri. The fungi can overwinter in corn residue and then be spread by rain and wind. Tar spot develops as small, black, raised spots (circular or oval) on infected plants, and may appear on one or both sides of the leaves, leaf sheaths and husks. “Scouting fields is critical, as this fungus can spread rather quickly and can reduce yields significantly,” said Ryan Schaub, Frontier District agent specializing in crop production and farm management.


“Weed control and fungal issues are becoming bigger concerns every year,” said Schaub. “Plan on joining us on February 22 at 6:00 p.m. for supper and some helpful information.”


Copies of the 2024 Chemical Weed Control guide will be available for attendees who have not already received a copy.


RSVP for the meeting by contacting Ryan Schaub at 785.448.6826 or


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Tags:  weeds row crops fungus