The Flickner Innovation Farm in Moundridge will host a field day event on Tuesday, August 31, highlighting current work by local producers, industry members, and Kansas State University researchers to conserve water use while improving water quality and soil health. The event will begin at 8 a.m. and conclude at 1:30 p.m. The Flickner Innovation Farm is located at 1923 Arrowhead, Moundridge, Kansas. Lunch will be provided and interested individuals are asked to register for the event at:
The program will include the following topics:
The Flickner Innovation Farm is a site where agronomists, watershed specialists, and industry leaders can conduct studies on a large-farm setting to identify the most efficient technologies and techniques for Kansas producers to use on their own farms. This long-term project will be studying the effects of various precision agriculture techniques and comparing different types of imagery to identify crop conditions.
For questions about the event, please contact
Tags: cover crops soil health Field Day