Dryland Ag Day, June 15, Tribune

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Dryland Ag Day is scheduled for June 15 at the Southwest Research-Extension Center Tribune location, 1 mile west of Tribune on Highway 96. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. (MDT) and the field tours begin at 9 a.m.

Field tours will feature:

  • Wheat Varieties
  • In-furrow Nitrogen on Wheat
  • Update on Solid Stem Wheat Varieties
  • Wheat Seeding Rates
  • Tillage in Dryland Systems
  • Dryland Crop Rotations (wheat, corn, and grain sorghum)
  • Rainfall Simulator Demonstration


Indoor seminars will start at 11:15 a.m., and feature:

  • Soil Test Trends in Western Kansas
  • Weed Management Update


Presenters include:

Lucas Haag, K-State Northwest Area Crops and Soils Specialist
Curtis Thompson, K-State Weed Management Specialist
Fred Vocasek, Servi-Tech Laboratory, Dodge City
Dale Younker, USDA-NRCS, Garden City
Alan Schlegel, Agronomist, Southwest Research-Extension Center, Tribune

A complimentary lunch will be served at noon. There will be an optional tour of irrigated weed management trials after lunch.
