Cool-season forage seeding rates and adaptation characteristics

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Following are the recommended seeding rates when seeding various cool-season forages alone or in mixtures (Table 1), and the adaptation characteristics of those forages (Table 2).

Table 1. Forage Seeding Rates When Seeded Alone or in Mixtures.

Species                               Seed/lb                                                                               Seeding Rate

                                                                                                                Alone lb/A                                        Mixture lb/A


Alfalfa                                   200,000                                               15 – 20                                      8 – 15

Birdsfoot trefoil                375,000                                                 4 – 8                                                         2 – 6

Red clover                          275,000                                                 8 – 10                                      2 – 6

White clover                     700,000                                                 3 – 5                                                         1 – 2



Smooth bromegrass      136,000                                               10 -  15                                      6 -  8

Orchardgrass                     654,000                                                 8 – 12                                      4 – 6

Reed canarygrass            533,000                                                 8 – 12                                      4 – 6

Annual ryegrass               227,000                                           20 – 30                                        10 – 15

Perennial ryegrass          227,000                                               10 – 12                                      5 – 6

Tall fescue                          230,000                                               12 – 14                                      6 – 12

Timothy                               1,230,000                                             8 – 10                                      2 – 8


Table 2. Soil pH and Tolerances of Drainage, Flooding, and Drought in Legumes and Grasses.

Species                                      Optimum Soil pH                   Poor drainage                               Flooding            Drought



Alfalfa                                   6.5 – 7.0                                               P                                   P                            G                       

Birdsfoot trefoil                6.0 – 6.5                                               E                                    P                            G       

Red clover                          5.8 – 6.5                                               G                                   P                            G       

White clover                     5.8 – 6.5                                               E                                    P                            P       



Smooth bromegrass    5.8 -  6.5                                                G                                    G                           P

Orchardgrass                     5.8 – 6.5                                               G                                    P                           G

Reed canarygrass            5.8 – 6.5                                               E                                     E                            E

Annual ryegrass               5.8 – 6.5                                               P                                    P                           P

Perennial ryegrass          5.8 – 6.5                                               P                                    P                           P

Tall fescue                          5.8 – 6.5                                               E                                     E                            E

Timothy                               5.8 – 6.5                                               G                                    P                           P

E: excellent, G: good, and P: poor


Doo-Hong Min, Southwest Area Crops and Soils Specialist

John Holman, Cropping Systems Agronomist, Southwest Research-Extension Center
