Coming this December - The 2017 Census of Agriculture

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Kansas farmers and ranchers have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their communities by participating in the 2017 Census of Agriculture. Conducted every five years by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), the Census of Agriculture is a complete count of all U.S. farms and ranches as well as those who operate them.

The Census is the only source of uniform, comprehensive agricultural data for every county in the nation. It is a critical tool that gives producers a voice to influence decisions shaping the future of their community, industry and operation. The Census looks at land use and ownership, operator characteristics, production practices, income, expenditures, and other topics. This information is used by all who serve farmers and rural communities from federal, state and local governments to agribusinesses and trade associations. Answers to the Census impact farm programs and rural services that support Kansas communities. So whether you’re rural or urban, working thousands of acres or just a few plots, your information matters.

Census forms will be mailed to producers in December. Completed forms are due by February 5, 2018. Producers may complete the Census online via a secure website, or return their forms by mail.

"The updated online questionnaire is very user-friendly – it can now be used on any electronic device, and can be saved and revisited as the producer's schedule allows," said NASS Census and Survey Division Director Barbara Rater. "Responding online saves time and protects data quality. That's our mission at NASS – to provide timely, accurate, and useful statistics in service to U.S. agriculture. Better data mean informed decisions, and that's why it is so important that every producer respond and be represented."

Federal law requires all agricultural producers to participate in the Census and requires NASS to keep all individual information confidential. Remember, the Census of Agriculture is your voice, your future, your opportunity. Respond when you receive your census in December.

For more information about the process, including a list of frequently asked questions, please visit


