Certified Crop Advisor exam review course is now available in a self-paced online format

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In a collaborative effort from several faculty from K-State Research and Extension, individuals preparing for the certified crop advisor exam now have access to an online training course. This course is divided into multiple modules and includes several practice quizzes comprised of randomly selected questions from a pool of more than 500.

Course modules are divided based on the certified crop advisor objectives and include more than 11 hours of recorded presentations. Each presentation was developed and delivered by faculty from Kansas State University. The Certified Crop Advisor Exam Review course is a self-paced program that remains available for 10 months (304 days) from the date of enrollment. The cost for the entire course is $120.

The course is offered through K-State’s Global Campus. To enroll, use this link: https://bit.ly/CCAexamprep or scan the QR code below with your smart phone.


For more information, please contact:

Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Soil Fertility Specialist

Tags:  online resources CCA crops