Central Kansas Forage Update - March 21

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All are invited to attend a rapid-fire forage update sponsored by the Kansas Forage and Grassland Council in conjunction with the Mid-America Farm Expo on March 21 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The update will feature a hay market review, tips for managing woody encroachment and Old-World Bluestem on rangeland, and a focus on non-traditional forage alternatives and annual legumes to use as part of your overall forage program. Our group of forage experts will also hang around to answer your rangeland and forage questions at the end.

Come for the forage update and stay to check out the Expo. There is no cost to attend, and no RSVP is required. The event will occur at Tony’s Pizza Event Center (upstairs), 800 The Midway, Salina, KS 67401.


9:00 am                Kansas Hay Market Review, Kim Nettleton, KDA, Kansas Hay Market Reporter

9:30 am                Woody Encroachment, Doug Spencer, NRCS, Kansas State Grazing Specialist

10:00 am             “Old World” Grass and a New Kansas Problem, Keith Harmoney, KSU-WKREC, Range Scientist

10:30 am             Increasing Your Protein, Trent Page, Star Seed Inc., Sales Mgr. & Cade Rensink, KSU-Central District, Director

11:00 am             Summer Annual Legumes, Nicholas Detter, KSU-Agronomy (John Holman, KSU Cropping Systems Agronomist)

11:30 am             Hay, Forage, and Grassland Q & A with the experts


A group of cows in a fieldDescription automatically generated

Tags:  forage hay meetings