This article provides a review and update of some of the current “calculator apps” for agriculture. These apps can assist in calculating such things as the optimum fertilizer N rate, grain yield estimates, tank mix requirements, crop nutrient removal rates, and other features.
While these apps can often help you make quick decisions in the field from planting to harvest operations, always make sure to check with your crop consultants, agents, and Extension specialists since this kind of specific information may vary depending on the soil types, yield potential, and environments.
Stay tuned for more in this series of annual reviews and updates on Ag-Apps from our KSUCROPS Crop Production team and the K-State Department of Agronomy! More updated lists of Ag-Apps will be included in the next several editions of the Agronomy eUpdates.
For this series of articles, we have grouped Ag-Apps into the following 10 classifications:
2. Calculator Apps
These Apps are primarily utilized for calculation of planting, spraying, fertilizing, and harvesting purposes; and for estimating yields.
Calculator Apps |
Name of App and Source |
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Brief description and cost |
Download |
Fertilizer Removal by Crop AG-PHD |
Select your crop and the desired yield for that crop, and you will be given the amount of vital crop nutrients that your desired yield will need. FREE |
Planting Population Calculator AG-PHD |
The Ag PhD Planting Population Calculator aids you in determining planting population and stand counts for the crops on your farm. FREE |
Pioneer Planting Rate Estimator DuPont Pioneer |
Determine your optimum planting rate for DuPont Pioneer corn products. FREE |
Nebraska On-Farm Research Network Move Creative, LLC (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) |
App allows you to enter treatments made on individual fields, and compare yields across the field while also allowing in-season notes to be taken. FREE |
Canopeo Oklahoma State University |
Canopeo is a rapid and accurate green canopy cover measurement tool. FREE |
Calculation Apps |
Name of App and Source |
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Brief description and cost |
Download |
This app estimates soybean yields from inputs of plant population, pods per plant, seeds per pod, and seed size. FREE |
Kansas Wheat Yield Calculator
This app lets producers collect information about their winter wheat fields and gives an assessment of potential yield prior to harvest. FREE |
Harvest Loss Calculator AG-PHD |
Select your crop and input the number of seeds/kernels you count on the ground per sq. ft. to get a harvest loss calculation. FREE |
Harvest Test Weight Converter University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Assists in determining shrink volumes of grain, in-field estimation of crop yields, and volume of grain bins and grain piles. FREE |
Soybean Advisor University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture |
Assists soybean producers by calculating rates for lime and nutrients; identify and assess nutrient and water needs, and disease and insect pressure. FREE |
Corn Advisor University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture |
Assists corn producers by calculating rates for lime and nutrients; identify and assess nutrient and water needs, and disease and insect pressure. FREE |
Calculation Apps |
Name of App and Source |
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Brief description and cost |
Download |
Cotton Advisor
Assists cotton producers by calculating rates for lime and nutrients; identify and assess nutrient and water needs, and disease and insect pressure. FREE |
Growing Degree Days
This app measures the maturity of your crop by analyzing current and past growing degree days data for your farm’s location. FREE |
Extreme Beans United Soybean Board |
This app allows soybean farmers to access recent soybean research, and to calculate the most effective seeding rates for high yield results. FREE |
Tank Mix DuPont |
This app allows you to easily calculate the amount of product needed to treat a specific field area, with a specific tank size, for correct volume-to-volume ratio. FREE |
Corn N Rate Calculator University of Wisconsin Nutrient and Pest Management Program |
This app is designed to assist in selecting an N rate that improves profitability when N and corn prices fluctuate. FREE |
Canola Starter Oklahoma State University |
This app calculates the maximum amount of fertilizer that should be applied with winter canola seed at planting. FREE |
Manure Valuator University of Arkansas |
This app can be utilized to calculate the cost of the nutrients to be applied (fertilizer replacement value) and the nutrients needed by the crop. FREE |
Each of the next eight issues of the eUpdate will feature another classification of Ag-Apps from our KSUCROPS Crop Production team and the K-State Department of Agronomy!
Ignacio A. Ciampitti, Crop Production and Cropping Systems Specialist
Jeffrey Albers, Agronomy undergraduate student in crop production, KSUCROPS Team