Ag-Climate Update for August 2019

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The Ag-Climate Update is a joint effort between our climate and extension specialists. Every month the update includes a brief summary of that month, agronomic impacts, relevant maps and graphs, 1-month temperature and precipitation outlooks, monthly extremes, and notable highlights.

August 2019 – Record rains, again

For Kansas, 2019 had the wettest August since 1895. State-wide average precipitation for the month was 6.9 inches, 208 % of normal. Only the Southwest Division was drier than normal, with an average 2.2 inches, 81% of normal. State-wide average temperature for August was roughly 66 degrees F, 0.4 degrees F cooler than normal. This ranks as the 53rd coolest on record. Temperature swings were large, ranging from 51 degrees F at Brewster 4W on the 28th to 108 degrees F at Lakin on the 1st. Severe weather was more active than in July, with 8 tornadoes reported, 90 hail events, and 241 wind events.

Saturated fields continue to cause problems. These include sprouting, dropped ears, and mold in corn. Weed control has been a problem, as has haying. Corn, soybeans, and sorghum continue to lag behind normal progress. Relatively fewer growing degree days (GDD) accumulation across the state is delaying crop development. Overall, 16% of the corn is mature, but just 1 % has been harvested.

View the entire August 2019 Ag-Climate Summary at

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