2023 Research Report for the Southeast Research and Extension Center is online

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The latest Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report is now available online. This report includes preliminary results of research conducted on field production and management practices for crops in southeast Kansas. These field studies are conducted in Parsons and nearby areas.

An overview of agronomy-related research topics for this year’s report is listed below. You can access and view the 2023 Southeast Research and Extension Center Agricultural Research Report here: https://newprairiepress.org/kaesrr/vol9/iss2/


Cropping Systems

Fungicide Efficacy on Fusarium Head Blight of Hard Red Winter Wheat in Parsons, KS

Early Soybean Planting in a Water-Limited Growing Season

Climate Long-Term Trends Impacting Wheat Production Systems in Kansas

Wheat Variety Test Results for South Central Kansas - 2022

Corn and Soybean Production – 2022 Summary

Hard Red and Soft Red Winter Wheat Variety Testing - 2023

Control of Soil-Borne Disease of Soybean

Critical Soil Health Parameters to Improve Crop Production

Improving Resilience of Corn to Weather through Improved Fertilizer Efficiency

Forage Crops

Yield and Forage Quality on Native Meadows as Affected by Burn and Fertilization Management

Impact of Stubble Heights on Native Hay Meadows in Southeast Kansas

Impact of Lime, Phosphorus, and Potassium on Yield and Forage Quality on Native Hay Meadows in Southeast Kansas

Nutrient Management Strategies to Control Broomsedge Infestation and Improve Yield and Quality of Tall Fescue Hayfields


Annual Summary of Weather Data for Parsons – 2022



Gretchen Sassenrath, Crops and Soils Agronomist, Parsons

Bruno Pedreira, Southeast Crops and Soils Specialist – Parsons

Jaymelynn Farney, Southeast Area Beef Specialist - Parsons
