2023 K-State Crop Pest Management Schools - Dec. 5 and 6

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K-State Research and Extension and the NW Region Extension Counties/Districts are hosting two Crop Pest Management Schools, December 5 in Colby at the City Limits Convention Center and December 6 in Russell at the Elks Lodge starting at 7:45 a.m. with registration and concluding at 5:00 PM. 

Join us in person to learn how to control the latest pests – weeds, insects, and diseases – affecting all crops in central and western Kansas! The entire agenda with speakers and topics is featured in the flyer below.

Commercial Applicators will earn 1 Core Hour & 7 Hours for 1A, certified by the Kansas Department of Agriculture. Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) will also earn 8 Pest Management Credits. These schools would also be an excellent educational opportunity for producers.

It’s not too late to get registered for these schools. After Nov. 27, the fee is $75. To register, go to http://www.northwest.k-state.edu/events/crop-pest-mangagement-school or any Extension Office website in the NW region. You can also call Jeanne Falk-Jones, K-State Research and Extension, Multi-County Agronomist, at 785-462-6281 or Craig Dinkel, Midway Extension District, at 785-472-4442.


A purple and white flyerDescription automatically generated

Tags:  Crop Pest Schools meetings