2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest

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Corn harvest in Kansas will be here before you know it. Corn producers in the state are encouraged to keep in mind the Kansas Corn Yield Contest before they fire up the combines this year.

Kansas Corn, in conjunction with K-State Research and Extension, are conducting the 2021 Kansas Corn Yield Contest. New this year, the Kansas Corn Yield Contest has joined the National Corn Yield Contest (NCYC). To participate in the Kansas Contest, growers must enter the NCYC. This will the simplify entry process while building Kansas participation in both contests. Many seed companies will cover the cost of entry. For more details in this voucher program, go to https://www.ncga.com/get-involved/national-corn-yield-contest/profile/voucher-program.

All corn producers are eligible to enter the contest, but must be members of the Kansas Corn Growers Association (KCGA). A KCGA membership includes one to the NCGA. Information regarding entry deadlines can be found at: https://kscorn.com/yieldcontest/

Benefits of contest participation

The contest is a fun way for producers to showcase and compare their high yielding and high quality corn with other growers in their districts and state, and provide motivation to producers to improve productivity. The contest also serves as a vehicle to improve farming practices and increase awareness of best management practices (BMPs) to improve and sustain corn yields.

In addition to grower recognition, cash awards will be awarded at the district and state levels. The districts align with crop reporting districts, plus a NNE district which includes Doniphan and parts of Brown and Atchison counties (Figure 1). In addition, one statewide dryland winner and one statewide irrigated winner will be announced. District winners will receive $300 and a plaque. Second place entries will receive a $200 prize and third place will receive a $100 prize. The highest yielding dryland and irrigated entries statewide will receive an additional $500 prize. National Corn Yield Contest winners will be announced December 15, 2021. Kansas Corn Yield winners will be recognized at the Kansas Corn Symposium in January 2022.

Figure 1. Dryland and irrigated contest districts. Note: NNE includes only those fields north and/or east of KS Hwy 73 in Brown, Doniphan, and Atchison counties.


A publication summarizing the results from the 2019 Kansas Corn Yield Contest can be viewed at:

https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3463.pdf. The 2020 contest results will be summarized in a similar publication that will be soon be available to view online. A list of the 2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest winners is available at: https://kscorn.com/yieldcontest/#2020Winners.

For complete contest information, visit https://kscorn.com/yieldcontest/.

For questions, call Kansas Corn at 785-410-5009 or email dohlde@ksgrains.com



Deb Ohlde, Director of Grower Services, Kansas Corn

Ignacio A. Ciampitti, Cropping Systems Specialist, K-State Department of Agronomy

Tags:  Corn Yield Contest