2021 Crop Pest Management Schools - December 8, 9, and 21

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Be sure to get registered to attend one of the 2021 Crop Pest Management Schools scheduled in December. This year, two schools will be offered in the traditional, in-person format. A third school will be delivered in a virtual format.

Each school will start at 7:50 am with registration and conclude at 5:00 pm. A lunch will be provided to all participants that attend an in-person school. The cost to attend either of the in-person events is $50 if registered by Dec. 1. After Dec. 1, the cost will be $75. The virtual school fee is $75 and you must be registered by Dec. 17.

Each school will feature a variety of topics on weed control, insects, and diseases. Detailed agendas for each school can be viewed at: https://www.sunflower.k-state.edu/agronomy/

The dates and locations of each school are:

December 8 –Colby, KS
City Limits Convention Center
2227 S. Range Ave.

December 9 – Great Bend, KS
Knights of Columbus Hall
723 Main St.

For the in-person schools, please register by December 1 at https://www.sunflower.k-state.edu/agronomy/ . After December 1, you can register at the door.

December 21 – Virtual Program

If you choose to attend virtually, you will need an internet-connected device, such as a laptop, desktop, or tablet at your home and/or at your workplace.

The following is required:

  • only one person per computer
  • good internet connection
  • audio (from the computer speakers, microphone port, or via telephone)
  • downloaded application of Zoom on your device (to download, visit https://zoom.us/)

For the virtual school, please register by December 17 at https://www.sunflower.k-state.edu/agronomy/ .

Commercial applicator and Certified Crop Advisor credits have been applied for.

Tags:  Crop Pest Schools