2019 Kansas Leopold Conservation Award Call of Nominations

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Since 2015, the Sand County Foundation, in partnership with the Ranchland Trust of Kansas (RTK) and the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts, has recognized a private land owner and/or family in Kansas who exemplifies the land ethic that Aldo Leopold framed in his book, A Sand County Almanac. Information and a short video about past recipients can be found on the Sand County Foundation website at https://sandcountyfoundation.org/our-work/leopold-conservation-award-program/state/kansas.


The Leopold Conservation Award honors Kansas farmers, ranchers, and other private landowners who are conservation leaders in the state. Ranchland Trust of Kansas, the Sand County Foundation, and the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts are accepting applications for the 2019 award. Applications for the award must be postmarked by June 1, 2019.

How to apply

Nominations may be submitted on behalf of a landowner or landowners may nominate themselves. Nominators are asked to address five key areas in the application. The key areas include:

  • Conservation Ethic
  • Resilience
  • Leadership and Communication
  • Innovation and Adaptability
  • Ecological Community


Additionally, three letters of recommendation should be included with the application. The application can be found online at: https://sandcountyfoundation.org/uploads/KANSAS-CFN-19.pdf



Peter Tomlinson, Environmental Quality Specialist

