2018 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School, May 9-10 in Garden City

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K-State Research and Extension will hold the 2018 Wheat In-Depth Diagnostic School on May 9th and 10th at the Southwest Research-Extension Center, 4500 E Mary Street, Garden City. The hours on May 9 are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On May 10, the hours are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Registration cost is $140 before May 1 and $180 after May 1, including walk-ins. Breakfast and lunch is included with your registration along with an extensive take-home field book.

The latest techniques and technology in agriculture are within your reach! Join us for this year’s In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School to learn from KSRE experts and discover cutting edge breakthroughs in wheat production.

Topics to be covered this year include:

  • Wheat growth and development
  • Weed management
  • Disease identification and management
  • Growing 100 bushel dryland wheat in western KS
  • Irrigation technology
  • Wheat fertilizer management
  • Insect management in wheat and canola
  • Canola production
  • Weed identification
  • Production cost of wheat and canola
  • Farmer’s success story of growing canola in western KS


Speakers at the event include:

  • Romulo Lollato
  • Stu Duncan
  • Dallas Peterson
  • Erick DeWolf
  • Horton Seed Services representative
  • Jonathan Aguilar
  • Ajay Sharda
  • Dorivar Ruiz Diaz
  • AJ Foster
  • Sarah Zukoff
  • Mike Stamm
  • John Holman
  • Kevin Donnelly
  • Monte Vandeveer
  • Tyson Good

This event will also offer Certified Crop Advisory and Commercial Applicator credits.

Interested individuals can register online at http://www.global.ksu.edu/wheat-diagnostic

For registration questions, please contact registration@ksu.edu or call 785-532-5569

