2016 Kansas Wheat Seed Book now available

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The 2016 Kansas Wheat Seed Book is now available. In this book, you will find a recap of the 2015-16 wheat crop, with a detailed discussion of factors that may have played an important role in the record-breaking yields observed across the state. More importantly, the results of the 2016 wheat variety performance tests are also shown.

Producers and crop consultants can use this resource to help select wheat varieties for their operation by checking for varieties that show a consistently good performance in their region. After selecting a few, well-adapted varieties, just flip to the  second half of the book to find the contact for certified seed producers who carry the seed of the varieties you would like to plant.

Click here to access the online version of the variety performance test results, or here for the certified seed directory. For a hard copy, please contact your local extension office.

Figure 1. The 2016 Kansas Wheat Seed Book is now available, with the report of the 2016 wheat variety performance tests and the certified seed directory.


Romulo Lollato, Wheat and Forages Specialist
