2020 eUpdate Archive

December 2020

832  December 18th, 2020    

Kansas Mesonet has wind chill analysis at your fingertips weather wind chill Mesonet 
World of Weeds - Eastern redcedar World of Weeds eastern redcedar 
New K-State 2021 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online publication Weed Control Guide  
2021 Corn Management publication and Corn Schools corn Corn Schools publication  

831  December 11th, 2020    

Nutrient availability in poultry manure  fertilizer poultry litter nutrients 
Stay connected to K-State Agronomy with social media and digital resources online resources social media 
Kansas Ag-Climate Update for November 2020 weather Climate 

830  December 4th, 2020    

Sulfur deficiency in wheat wheat sulfur nutrient deficiency 
Update on drought conditions in Kansas - December 4, 2020 weather Drought 
2021 spring wildfire outlook for Kansas wildfire fire weather 
2020 Virtual Crop Pest Management Schools - Dec. 8 and 10 virtual Crop Pest Schools 
Update - Winter Forage Conference is going virtual fall forage virtual Winter Forage Conference 

November 2020

829  November 30th, 2020    

KARA/K-State Crop Production Update will be held online on Dec. 1-2 KARA virtual training 

828  November 20th, 2020    

Control of mustards in wheat - Timely treatment is important mustards wheat weed control 
World of Weeds: Downy brome World of Weeds downy brome 
2020 Crop Pest Management Schools are going virtual virtual Crop Pest Schools 
Winter Forage Conference, December 10 Winter Forage Conference 

827  November 13th, 2020    

Check terraces now for needed repairs and maintenance soil conservation soil erosion terraces 
Safety first when planning deep tillage or earthwork: Call before you dig! safety 
Factors to consider in winter survival of wheat wheat winter hardiness winter survival 
Update on drought conditions in Kansas - November 13, 2020 Drought 
Special Update - 2020 Crop Pest Management Schools  COVID-19 virtual Crop Pest Schools 
Food-Energy-Water study in central High Plains asks for producers' input survey 

826  November 6th, 2020    

Herbicide-resistant grain sorghum hybrids - Are they here yet? grain sorghum herbicide resistance 
UPDATED - EPA approves labels for over-the top dicamba application dicamba label requirements herbicide EPA 
Ag-Climate Update for October 2020 weather Climate 
2020 Crop Pest Management Schools in Russell, Phillipsburg, and Oakley Crop Pest Schools 

October 2020

825  October 30th, 2020    

Possible impacts of the recent cold temperatures to the Kansas wheat crop wheat freeze cold temperatures 
EPA approves labels for over-the-top dicamba application dicamba label requirements 
Fall soil testing of hay fields and pastures soil testing pastures hayfields fall soil sampling 
World of Weeds: Smooth sumac World of Weeds smooth sumac 
Prussic acid in sorghum following a hard freeze grain sorghum prussic acid hard freeze 

824  October 23rd, 2020    

Replanting decisions for winter wheat wheat replanting poor emergence 
Management adjustments when sowing wheat late wheat late planting 
Considerations for fall applications of anhydrous ammonia fall fertilizer anhydrous ammonia 
Can dry soils affect anhydrous ammonia applications in Kansas? dry soils anhydrous ammonia 
Cooler weather brings the return of the Mesonet Freeze Monitor Mesonet freeze monitor 
Save the Date - Crop Pest Management Schools in Russell, Phillipsburg, and Oakle Crop Pest Schools  

823  October 16th, 2020    

Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest drydown sorghum harvest 
Emergency measures to control wind erosion soil conservation wind erosion soil loss 
Musk thistle control in the fall musk thistle noxious weed 
What does a La Nina winter mean for Kansas? weather Climate La Nina 
Don't miss the 2020 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests soybeans Soybean Yield Contest 

822  October 9th, 2020    

Wheat planting conditions: Early October 2020 wheat planting conditions 
Control annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum fall-applied weed control marestail residual herbicides annual weeds 
Stop spreading weed seed during harvest activities weed control harvest weed seeds 
Ag-Climate Update for September 2020 weather Climate 
Commercial applicator recertification training changes for 2020 application training online resources commercial applicator 
Update: 2021 soybean planting intentions survey - Producer input requested survey weed control soybean planting 

821  October 2nd, 2020    

Considerations when planting wheat into dry soil wheat dry soils wheat planting 
Small grain forage options for this fall fall forage small grains 
After harvest is the optimal time for Soybean Cyst Nematode sampling soil sampling soybean cyst nematode soybeans 
Interim decision announced regarding atrazine registration review  label requirements Enlist herbicides atrazine 
Dicamba update: XtendFlex soybeans gain final approval soybeans dicamba XtendFlex 
Check for stalk rots prior to grain sorghum harvest stalk rot grain sorghum fusarium stalk rot charcoal rot 

September 2020

820  September 25th, 2020    

Soybean dry down rate before harvest soybeans drydown crop development 
Sorghum development and potential freeze injury sorghum grain sorghum freeze injury cold temperatures 
Control woody plants on rangeland: Basal bark and cut-stump herbicide applications woody plants rangeland 
Fall control of bindweed weed control bindweed noxious weed 
World of Weeds: Bur ragweed or woollyleaf bursage World of Weeds bur ragweed noxious weed woollyleaf bursage 
K-State wheat specialists release informative videos on wheat production  wheat videos YouTube 

819  September 18th, 2020    

Weed management practices: Fall scouting for weeds weeds scouting herbicide resistance seedbank weed management 
Optimum sowing dates and seeding rates for wheat in Kansas wheat optimum planting dates seeding rates 
Seed drill calibration to improve wheat seed distribution wheat planting equipment calibration 
Evaluate wheat seed size to improve wheat seeding density and final stand wheat seeding density seed size 
Seeding rates for dryland wheat in western Kansas 

818  September 11th, 2020    

Planting wheat too early can lead to several problems wheat planting optimum planting dates 
Wheat planting - Seed treatments are strongly encouraged this season wheat fungicide seed treatment 
Wheat planting - Tips for good stand establishment wheat planting stand establishment 
Corn production issues - Droopy ears  corn droopy ears 
Effect of low temperatures on summer row crops freezing temperatures crop development 
Grain sorghum yield potential: Understanding the main yield components grain sorghum yield potential 
Grain sorghum yield potential: An on-farm calculation grain sorghum yield potential 
Updated cover crop selection tool now available for Midwest farmers cover crops variety selection 
Ag-Climate Update for August 2020 weather Climate 
2021 soybean planting intentions survey - Producer input requested soybeans survey 

817  September 4th, 2020    

Winter canola planting considerations planting canola 
Alfalfa management: Deciding on last cutting this fall alfalfa forage final cutting 
Learn about the rate of dry down in corn before harvest drydown corn 
Evaluation of cool-season cover crop varieties cover crops cool season 
Don't miss the 2020 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contests Soybean Yield Contest  
2021 soybean planting intentions survey - Producer input requested survey 
Kansas Bankers Association Conservation Awards Program  conservation award 

August 2020

816  August 28th, 2020    

In-furrow fertilizers for wheat wheat starter fertilizer phosphorus in-furrow 
Cover crop response to herbicides cover crops herbicide carryover residual herbicides 
Final irrigation of the growing season - Timing is everything irrigation 
Understanding soybean seed filling: Contribution to yield soybeans drydown yield biomass accumulation 
Reports of sugarcane aphid on grain sorghum in Kansas sorghum sugarcane aphid SCA 
World of Weeds: Hophornbeam copperleaf World of Weeds 

815  August 21st, 2020    

Management options for Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans disease soybeans Sudden Death Syndrome 
Estimating soybean yield potential soybeans yield potential 
Soil fertility and wheat production: Profile nitrate levels and wheat yield wheat profile nitrate residual nitrate soil fertility 
Pre-emergence herbicides for wheat wheat pre-plant herbicide residual herbicides 
2020 Kansas Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties report available online wheat Performance Tests  
Tips for fall planting of alfalfa alfalfa fall planting 
K-State to host two virtual fall field days - August 26 & 27 Fall Field Day 

814  August 14th, 2020    

Planning your wheat fertility program: Start now by soil testing wheat soil testing 
Make an informed decision when selecting the best wheat variety wheat yield potential variety selection disease resistance 
Updated 'Seed Treatment Fungicides for Wheat Disease Management 2020' now available  wheat fungicide seed treatment 
Managing low-quality wheat seed  seed quality germination testing wheat seed 
2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest - Registration deadline August 31 Corn Yield Contest  
K-State to host two virtual fall field days - August 26 & 27 virtual Fall Field Day 
Kansas weed survey - Reminder to participate before August 31 weeds survey herbicide resistance 
Soil Health Partnership Field Day - August 18 soil health Field Day 

813  August 7th, 2020    

Liming prior to fall seeding of alfalfa alfalfa lime application soil pH 
Status of disease pressure in corn and soybeans soybeans corn disease southern rust gray leaf spot foliar diseases 
Summary of the 2020 Kansas wheat growing season wheat growing season 
Kansas weed survey - Reminder to participate before August 31 weeds survey herbicide resistance 
Update on the fall weather outlook for Kansas - August 6, 2020 weather fall Climate ENSO outlooks 
Ag-Climate Update for July 2020 weather Climate July 
Soil Health Partnership Field Day - August 18 soil health Field Day 

July 2020

812  July 31st, 2020    

Department of Agronomy to welcome new department head in January 2021 new faculty 
Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in soybeans soybeans tissue testing nutrient anaylsis 
Southeast Kansas 2020 wheat variety test results wheat yield forecast Performance Tests variety trials disease resistance 
Cover crops grown post-wheat for forage under dryland conditions in the High Plains grazing fall forage cover crops dryland 

811  July 24th, 2020    

Critical timing in Kansas: High temperatures and corn development corn high temperatures corn development 
Learn how to estimate corn yield potential corn yield potential yield estimates 
In-season Palmer amaranth control in grain sorghum grain sorghum weed control palmer amaranth post-emergence 
New cover crop publication discusses planting cereal rye after corn harvest cover crops cereal rye weed suppression water conservation 
Updated 2020 Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Rating publication wheat insects disease variety selection 
2019 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial final report hay silage variety selection summer annual forage 

810  July 17th, 2020    

First report of southern rust in Kansas for 2020 corn southern rust scouting foliar diseases 
Post-wheat harvest weed control in dryland cropping systems weed control dryland post-wheat harvest 
Western Bean Cutworm in corn - Scouting tips and treatment options insects western bean cutworm 
World of Weed: Morningglory World of Weeds morningglory 
Heat wave for the weekend: Update on high temperatures and heat stress Drought high temperatures heat stress 
Kansas weather - Early fall 2020 outlook weather Climate fall outlook 

809  July 10th, 2020    

Wheat streak mosaic: Early control of volunteer wheat is important volunteer wheat wheat streak mosaic wheat curl mite 
Herbicide applications and high temperatures high temperatures herbicide application herbicide drift temperature inversion 
June 2020 in Kansas: One big hot wind weather hot weather high winds 
Ag-Climate Update for June 2020 weather Climate 

808  July 2nd, 2020    

Fungicide considerations for corn diseases: Scouting is key corn disease foliar fungicides gray leaf spot bacterial leaf streak 
What factors should be considered before baling or burning wheat residue? soil erosion wheat stubble crop residue 
2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest Corn Yield Contest  

June 2020

807  June 26th, 2020    

June heat in Kansas: High temperatures can stress livestock and corn corn high temperatures drought stress GDD heat stress 
Identifying nutrient deficiency symptoms in soybeans soybeans nutrient deficiency 
New study evaluated different herbicide programs for Palmer amaranth control in post-harvest wheat stubble wheat weed control palmer amaranth post-harvest 
Considerations for weed control following wheat harvest wheat weed control post-harvest 
Update on drought conditions in Kansas - June 23, 2020 weather Climate Drought 
2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest Corn Yield Contest  

806  June 19th, 2020    

Considerations when harvesting short wheat wheat harvest short stands 
Considerations for applications of over-the-top dicamba formulations soybeans dicamba label requirements 
Critical timing of irrigation for maximizing cotton yield potential yield potential cotton irrigation lint yield 
Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn corn plant analysis nutrient levels 
Summer insect activity - Corn rootworms, click beetles, and bean leaf beetles insects corn rootworm bean leaf beetles 
2020 Kansas Corn Yield Contest Corn Yield Contest  
Kansas weed survey: Producers/ag professionals input requested survey weed 

805  June 12th, 2020    

Registered dealers in Kansas can sell over-the-top dicamba product to end users soybeans dicamba cotton EPA 
Green snap in corn corn green snap high winds stalk breakage 
Corn leaf diseases in Kansas corn leaf diseases southern rust leaf blight Goss's wilt gray leaf spot common rust 
Wheat harvest: Identifying disease problems and setting harvest priorities  wheat harvest loose smut fusarium head blight seed quality 
Early summer control of sericea lespedeza using herbicides pastures sericea lespedeza invasive species noxious weed 
World of Weeds: Yellow nutsedge World of Weeds yellow nutsedge 
Kansas weed survey: Producers/ag professionals input requested 
Western Kansas remains very dry with significant impacts on agriculture Drought SW Kansas drought monitor 
Ag-Climate Update for May 2020 weather Climate 

804  June 9th, 2020    

Update: Farmers and custom applicators can spray over-the-top dicamba products through July 31 soybeans dicamba cotton 
Effects of recent high temperatures on wheat wheat high temperatures 

803  June 5th, 2020    

Federal court vacates registration of some dicamba herbicide labels dicamba herbicide 
Late planting of soybeans: Management considerations soybeans late planting seeding rate row spacing maturity group 
Post-emergence marestail control in soybean fields soybeans weed control marestail post-emergence 
When the temperature rises, remember the Kansas Mesonet Cattle Comfort Tool Mesonet Cattle Comfort Tool hot weather 
Soybean planting and emergence progress report for Kansas and select Midwest states soybeans planting progress 
Late-season wheat diseases: Be on the lookout for Fusarium head blight wheat disease fusarium head blight head scab 
Kansas weather: Early June heat, drought...repeat? weather Drought heat 

May 2020

802  May 29th, 2020    

Purple color in corn seedlings: Cause for concern? corn purple slow growth 
Soybean response to standing water and saturated soils soybeans saturated soils standing water root rot 
Pre-harvest weed control in wheat wheat weed control herbicide carryover pre-harvest 
Double crop options after wheat wheat double crop 
Just how much rain qualifies as a toad-strangler? weather rainfall 
Upcoming warm weather may slow down stripe rust spread wheat stripe rust 

801  May 27th, 2020    

K-State Virtual Wheat Field Day - May 27 and May 28 wheat virtual Wheat Field Day 

800  May 22nd, 2020    

Considerations for pre-emergence herbicides weed control herbicide pre-emergence crop injury 
2020 Kansas wheat crop conditions: Wheat Quality Tour summary report Wheat Quality Tour 
Possible causes for white heads in wheat wheat white heads 
Wheat disease update and fungicide considerations  wheat disease fungicide stripe rust leaf rust fusarium head blight 
Corn planting and emergence progress report for Kansas and selected Corn Belt states corn emergence planting progress 
Summer weather outlook for Kansas weather summer outlook 
Make plans to attend the K-State Virtual Wheat Field Day, May 27-28 Wheat Field Day 

799  May 15th, 2020    

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices planting grain sorghum seeding rate row spacing hybrid selection 
Assessing and managing freeze-damaged alfalfa alfalfa freeze injury 
Wheat disease update for Kansas - May 15, 2020 wheat disease stripe rust loose smut wheat streak mosaic 
Soil temperatures continue a roller coaster pattern in early May corn soil temperature chilling injury 
World of Weeds: Palmer amaranth World of Weeds palmer amaranth 
Make plans to attend the K-State Virtual Wheat Field Day, May 27-28 wheat Field Day virtual 

798  May 8th, 2020    

Drought stress taking its toll on Kansas wheat production in 2020 wheat Drought 
Forage options for freeze-damaged wheat forage wheat wheat silage wheat hay 
Reports of stripe rust are increasing across Kansas, although incidence remains low wheat disease stripe rust 
Dry conditions in early May leads to expansion of drought in Kansas Drought 
Updated wheat fungicide publication for 2020 wheat disease fungicide efficacy 
UPDATE - Soil temperature and cold injury for corn corn soil temperature chilling injury cold soil 
Soil temperature and forecast are critical for successful cotton stand establishment cotton soil temperature 
Control options for buckbrush, roughleaf dogwood, and smooth sumac weeds brush control 
Ag-Climate Update for April 2020 Climate 

797  May 1st, 2020    

Evaluating the need for foliar fungicides on wheat wheat disease stripe rust foliar fungicides 
Diagnosing early-season growth problems in corn corn injury nutrient deficiency abnormal growth lodging 
How do soil temperatures for 2020 compare to historical averages for Kansas? weather Climate soil temperature 
The 2020 tornado season is off to a slow start Climate severe weather tornado 
We need your input - How do you use the Chemical Weed Control Guide? survey Weed Control Guide 

April 2020

796  April 24th, 2020    

Preliminary wheat injury assessment from the April 13-17 freeze events in Kansas wheat freeze injury 
Options and management strategies for freeze-damaged wheat  wheat freeze injury Re-cropping crop insurance 
Herbicide carryover considerations when re-cropping damaged wheat wheat label requirements Re-cropping herbicide carryover 
We need your input - How do you use the Chemical Weed Control Guide? survey 
K-State recommendations for soybean planting dates and maturity group soybeans planting date maturity group 
Soybean seeding rates and optimum plant populations soybeans seeding rate plant population 
Effect of row spacing on soybean yield soybeans yield potential row spacing 
Become a volunteer weather reporter in Kansas - Join the CoCoRaHS Network weather CoCoRaHS 
Resources for weather education at home - All ages and skill levels weather online resources 

795  April 17th, 2020    

Another round of cold weather brings a risk of freeze injury to Kansas wheat wheat freeze injury 
Time to start scouting wheat for stripe and leaf rust  wheat disease stripe rust leaf rust 
Cold soils can lead to chilling injury for newly planted corn corn soil temperature chilling injury cold soil 
Nitrogen loss potential during the winter and early spring nitrogen nitrification fall-applied fertilizer N loss potential 
Key nutrients for soybean production in Kansas soybeans nutrient requirements soybean fertility 
Herbicide applications and cold temperatures herbicide application 
Spring freeze effects on winter canola canola freeze injury winter canola 
Insect update on alfalfa weevils and pea aphids - April 17, 2020 pea aphids alfalfa weevils 
K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN! Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

794  April 10th, 2020    

Soil temperature update for Kansas - April 10, 2020 corn soil temperature planting date emergence 
Effect of cold temperatures on field peas cold tolerance field peas pulse crop alternative crop 
Pre-emergence herbicides for grain sorghum grain sorghum pre-plant herbicide weed control 
Opportunities for on-line training certification for dicamba and paraquat dicamba paraquat application training 
Record-setting rainfall for southeast Kansas - How wet is it? weather rainfall 
Ag-Climate Update for March 2020 Climate 
K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN! Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

793  April 3rd, 2020    

What are the causes of yellow wheat? wheat disease yellow wheat nutrient deficiency freeze injury 
UPDATE - Potential for spring freeze injury to wheat on April 3, 2020 wheat freeze injury 
Soil temperature and moisture update in Kansas - April 2, 2020 corn soil moisture soil temperature planting date 
Pre-emergence herbicides for corn corn weed control pre-plant herbicide 
Weed management considerations for flooded fields weed control flooded fields 
Placement and rate considerations for nitrogen application with starter fertilizer corn nitrogen starter fertilizer phosphorus 
Update on insect activity - alfalfa weevils and army cutworms insects alfalfa army cutworms alfalfa weevils 
Severe weather preparedness during COVID-19  severe weather COVID-19 
Review of drought-tolerant corn hybrids: Yield benefits yield forecast corn hybrids drought-tolerant 
K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN! Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 

March 2020

792  March 27th, 2020    

K-State's Soil Testing Lab and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab are OPEN! Soil Testing Lab Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab 
Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations corn seeding rate hybrid plant density environment 
Outlook for stripe rust in the 2020 Kansas wheat crop wheat disease outlook stripe rust 
First hollow stem update: March 26, 2020 wheat dual purpose first hollow stem 
Army cutworm and pea aphid activity in wheat and alfalfa fields wheat insects alfalfa army cutworms pea aphids 
Spring 2020 flood outlook for Kansas flooding flood risk 

791  March 23rd, 2020    

Diagnosis of early spring freeze injury on wheat wheat freeze injury 

790  March 20th, 2020    

Soil temperature and moisture update in Kansas - March 20, 2020 soil moisture spring planting soil temperature 
Pay attention to growth stage for spring herbicide decisions on wheat wheat weed control 
First hollow stem update: March 18, 2020 wheat dual purpose first hollow stem 
Recommendations for topdressing wheat with sulfur wheat sulfur topdress 
Chloride as a topdressing nutrient for wheat wheat topdress chloride 
2020 Kansas Leopold Conservation Award call for nominations conservation award 

789  March 13th, 2020    

World of Weeds: Common sunflower World of Weeds common sunflower 
Update on new herbicides for Kansas crops in 2020 label requirements herbicides 
First hollow stem update: March 11, 2020 wheat first hollow stem 
Managing spring-planted cover crops for grazing cover crops grazing 
2020 Kansas Leopold Conservation Award call for nominations conservation award 

788  March 6th, 2020    

Fertilization of tall fescue and smooth bromegrass pastures and hayfields tall fescue bromegrass pasture fertilization hayfields 
First hollow stem update: March 2, 2020 wheat dual purpose first hollow stem 
Army cutworms in wheat, alfalfa, and winter canola wheat alfalfa canola army cutworms 
Learn the difference between fire weather watches and red flag warnings fire red flag warnings 
Ag-Climate Update for February 2020 Climate 

February 2020

787  February 28th, 2020    

Marestail in soybeans: Strategies for the best control soybeans weed control marestail 
Optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures: First hollow stem wheat dual purpose grazing first hollow stem 
First hollow stem update: February 28, 2020 wheat first hollow stem 
Is spring-planted wheat a viable option for northwest Kansas? spring wheat cool season grain 
Update on drought conditions in Kansas - February 28, 2020 Drought 
2019 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial results now available Performance Tests forage hay silage 

786  February 21st, 2020    

Evaluating a new soybean seed treatment to control Sudden Death Syndrome in Kansas soybeans Sudden Death Syndrome seed treatment 
March weather outlook and looking beyond to Spring weather spring outlook 
Summary of 2019 Kansas Corn Yield Contest Corn Yield Contest  
Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2020 prescribed burning workshops 
Don't miss the inaugural Great Plains Cotton Conference, Feb. 25-26 in Wichita Conference cotton 

785  February 14th, 2020    

Pre-plant herbicide applications for kochia control kochia pre-plant herbicide 
World of Weeds: Stinging nettle World of Weeds stinging nettle 
2019 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report now available  corn Performance Tests 
Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2020 prescribed burning range 
Don't miss the inaugural Great Plains Cotton Conference, Feb. 25-26 in Wichita Conference cotton 
2020 Kansas Seed and Crops Conference, February 18-19 

784  February 7th, 2020    

Ag-Climate Update for January 2020 Climate 
Topdressing wheat with nitrogen: Timing, application methods, sources, and rates wheat topdress nitrogen 
Soil Health Spotlight: Soil structure and aggregation soil soil health aggregation structure 
Cover crop termination considerations weeds cover crops herbicide 
2020 Great Plains Cotton Conference, Feb. 25-26 in Wichita Conference cotton 
Dryland Soil Health Network meeting - February 18 in Hays soil health dryland 

January 2020

783  January 31st, 2020    

Topdressing canola: How to maximize the benefits canola topdress 
Review of herbicide label requirements: Enlist One and Enlist Duo drift label requirements Enlist herbicides 
2019 Kansas Performance Tests with soybean varieties report now available soybean Performance Tests  
It is not too late to attend a K-State Corn School Corn Schools  

782  January 24th, 2020    

Learn what to expect from a spring-emerged winter wheat crop wheat delayed emergence yield potential 
Possible consequences of icy conditions to the Kansas wheat and alfalfa crops wheat alfalfa winter survival ice 
Free online book on soil and water conservation resources now available soil conservation 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for late January Sorghum Schools 

781  January 17th, 2020    

World of Weeds: Kochia kochia World of Weeds 
Dicamba application training opportunities in 2020 dicamba application training 
Kansas Climate Summary for 2019 - A wet year weather Climate 
Kansas weather highlights for each month of 2019 weather  
K-State Industrial Hemp scheduled for February 4 in Wichita Conference hemp 
Midwest Cover Crops Council Annual Conference: Feb. 11-12 in Kansas City Conference cover crops 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for late January Sorghum Schools  

780  January 10th, 2020    

2020 K-State wheat variety fall forage yield comparison wheat fall forage dual purpose 
Ag-Climate Update for December 2019 Climate Update 
Crop management publications updated for 2020: Corn, Soybeans, and Sorghum  soybeans sorghum corn publication  
Midwest Cover Crops Council Annual Conference: Feb. 11-12 in Kansas City cover crops 
Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference, January 16-17 in Junction City Conference KARTA 
Don't miss the K-State Soybean Schools - January 2020 Soybean Schools 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for late January Sorghum Schools 
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 14-15 in Oberlin Cover Your Acres  

779  January 3rd, 2020    

Review of herbicide label requirements: Paraquat label requirements paraquat 
Wind chill analysis tool from Kansas Mesonet wind chill Mesonet 
Midwest Cover Crops Council Annual Conference: Feb. 11-12 in Kansas City 
Still time to register for the 2020 K-State Corn Schools Corn Schools 
Don't miss the K-State Soybean Schools - January 2020 Soybean Schools 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for late January Sorghum Schools 
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 14-15 in Oberlin Conference Western KS Cover Your Acres