2019 eUpdate Archive

December 2019

778  December 20th, 2019    

Review of herbicide label requirements: Dicamba dicamba drift label requirements 
Kansas crop disease summary for 2019 - Corn, soybeans, and sorghum disease summary 
New article series on the "World of Weeds"  mistletoe 
Will it be a white Christmas or a white New Year for Kansas? winter weather snow 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for late January Sorghum Schools  
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 14-15 in Oberlin Conference Western KS 

777  December 13th, 2019    

Update on winter wheat growth and development in Kansas wheat winter survival development crop progress 
Kansas Climate: What is the latest drought status for Kansas? Climate Drought 
New K-State 2020 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online weed control publication  
2020 K-State Corn Schools - Finding what fits in a new decade Corn Schools  
K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for January 2020 Soybean Schools  

776  December 6th, 2019    

Sulfur deficiency in wheat wheat sulfur deficiency 
Safety first when planning deep tillage or earthwork: Call before you dig! deep tillage safety 
Ag-Climate Update for November 2019 Climate Update 
Registration is open for the K-State Winter Crop Schools - Corn, Soybean, and Sorghum Corn Schools Soybean Schools Sorghum Schools 

November 2019

775  November 22nd, 2019    

Meet the new Extension Weed Science Specialist, Dr. Sarah Lancaster faculty 
Kansas weeds: Know your mustard species weeds mustards 
Control of mustards in wheat - Timely treatment is important wheat mustards weed control 
The latest winter weather outlook for Kansas is here weather winter outlook 
Save the date for the K-State Winter Crop Schools - Corn, Soybean, and Sorghum Corn Schools Soybean Schools Sorghum Schools 

774  November 15th, 2019    

Factors to consider in winter survival of wheat wheat winter hardiness winter survival cold tolerance dry soils 
November weather in Kansas...in like a lion weather winter 
Winter Forage Conference scheduled for December 10 in Wichita 
2019 KARA/KSRE Crop Production Update - Dec. 5 & 6 in Salina KARA 

773  November 8th, 2019    

Considerations for fall applications of anhydrous ammonia fall fertilizer anhydrous 
Crop residues: Nutritive value and options for grazing grazing residue cattle 
Ag-Climate Update for October 2019 Climate Update 
Dallas Peterson, Professor and Extension Weed Science Specialist, retires after 30 years at K-State Retirement 
Kansas Insect Survey - Producer input requested insects survey 

772  November 1st, 2019    

Sharp decline in temperatures: Possible impacts on the Kansas wheat crop wheat cold 
Management adjustments when sowing wheat late wheat late planting 
Replanting decisions for winter wheat wheat replanting 
As temperatures fall, what factors influence the survival of winter canola? canola survival 

October 2019

771  October 25th, 2019    

Fall soil testing of hay fields and pasture soil sampling fall pastures 
New research on strategic tillage in dryland no-till systems no-tillage strategic tillage 
Insect activity update - Alfalfa, soybeans, and wheat wheat soybeans insects alfalfa 
Retirement reception for longtime Extension Weed Science Specialist Dallas Peterson 

770  October 18th, 2019    

Control annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum weeds fall-applied 
Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest drydown grain sorghum 
Forecasting Kansas corn yields for 2019 corn yield forecast 
Retirement reception for longtime Extension Weed Science Specialist Dallas Peterson 

769  October 11th, 2019    

Effect of low temperatures on summer row crops 
Late-season rainfall: Moldy corn ears and premature kernel sprouting 
Wheat response to cold temperatures 
Wheat planting conditions in Kansas: October 11, 2019 
Considerations when planting wheat into dry soils 
Musk thistle control in the fall 
Cooler weather brings the return of the Mesonet Freeze Monitor 
Management of feral rye with CoAXium wheat production system in Kansas 
Ag-Climate Update for September 2019 
Retirement reception for longtime Extension Weed Science Specialist Dallas Peterson 

768  October 4th, 2019    

Sorghum development and potential freeze injury sorghum freeze 
Stalk rots in grain sorghum sorghum stalk rot Fusarium 
Green stem syndrome in soybeans soybeans green stem 
Consider sampling now for soybean cyst nematode soil testing soybean cyst nematode 
KS Dallas: New hard red wheat variety from K-State wheat new variety 

September 2019

767  September 27th, 2019    

Wheat planting conditions: Late-September 2019 wheat planting weather 
Soybean dry down rate before harvest soybeans drydown 
The challenge of collecting a representative soil sample soil soil sampling 
Fall soil sampling: Sample collection and submission to K-State Soil Testing Lab soil sampling soil testing 
Kansas insect activity update - Soybean, sorghum, and wheat insects 

766  September 20th, 2019    

Small grain forage options for this fall forage fall forage 
Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn 
Fall control of bindweed weeds weed control 
Control bur ragweed with early fall treatments weeds weed control 
Control woody plants on rangeland: Basal bark and cut-stump herbicide applications herbicide 
October weather outlook for Kansas and a glimpse to the end of 2019 weather climate 

765  September 13th, 2019    

Optimum sowing dates and seeding rates for wheat in Kansas seeding rate wheat planting 
Wheat seeding tips for good stand establishment wheat planting 
Seed drill calibration to improve wheat seed distribution seeding rate planting wheat 
Evaluate wheat seed size to improve wheat seeding density and final stand seeding rate wheat planting 
Rate of dry down in corn before harvest drydown corn crop progress 
Recent research conducted on seeding rates for dryland wheat in western Kansas seeding rate wheat 
Estimating grain sorghum yield potential grain sorghum yield potential 
Winter canola planting considerations canola planting winter 
2019 Agronomy Fall Field Day, September 20 in Manhattan 

764  September 6th, 2019    

Alfalfa management: Deciding on last cutting this fall alfalfa hay 
Recommendations for fall planting of alfalfa planting alfalfa forage 
Early planting of wheat can lead to several problems wheat planting 
Ag-Climate Update for August 2019 climate weather 
Kansas Bankers Association Awards nominations due by November 4 
2019 Agronomy Fall Field Day, September 20 in Manhattan 

August 2019

763  August 30th, 2019    

In-furrow starter fertilizers for wheat wheat fertilizer 
Reclaiming flooded land: Erosion and sediment management flooding soil conservation erosion 
Reclaiming flooded land: Woody debris flooding 
Grasshoppers - Eating their way through Kansas insects 
Kansas insect activity update - August 29, 2019 insects 
Kansas Bankers Association Awards nominations due by November 4 
Save the Date - 2019 Agronomy Fall Field Day, September 20 in Manhattan 
Soil Health Summer Tour Field Day, September 3 

762  August 23rd, 2019    

Estimating soybean yield potential soybeans yield potential 
Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) in soybeans - 2019 update Sudden Death Syndrome soybeans 
Maintaining grassed waterways - Maximize the benefits water 
Insect activity update - Soybean and sorghum pests insects soybeans sorghum 
Save the date for the 2019 Agronomy Fall Field Day, September 20 in Manhattan 
Western Kansas Fall Field Day scheduled for August 27, Tribune 
2019 Kansas Corn Yield Contest - Deadline for entry is August 30 
Soil Health Summer Tour Field Day, September 3 

761  August 16th, 2019    

Managing low-quality wheat seed following a season with severe Fusarium head blight (head scab) infection Fusarium wheat disease 
Make an informed decision when selecting the best wheat variety wheat 
Volunteer wheat control: Protecting Kansas wheat wheat 
Control seed-borne diseases in wheat with fungicide seed treatments fungicide seed treatment wheat disease 
Check terraces now for needed repairs and maintenance soil conservation 
Planning your wheat fertility program: Start now by soil testing wheat soil testing 
Correlation of soil test nitrate level and wheat yield soil testing wheat yield 
Status of disease pressure in corn and soybeans disease corn soybeans 
First reports of sugarcane aphid on grain sorghum in Kansas grain sorghum insects 
Germination testing of wheat seed wheat 
Ag-Climate Update for July 2019 climate weather 
Looking ahead - 2019 Fall weather outlook for Kansas weather climate 
2019 Kansas Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties report available online Performance Tests wheat 
North Central Experiment Fall Field Day, August 20 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 21 

760  August 9th, 2019    

Final irrigation of the growing season - Timing is everything irrigation corn sorghum soybeans 
Overview of the 2019 Kansas wheat growing season  wheat yield results crop progress 
Updated publication examines performance of wheat varieties grown for dual-purpose and grain-only systems Performance Tests publication wheat 
North Central Experiment Fall Field Day - August 20 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 13 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 21 

July 2019

759  July 26th, 2019    

Effect of environmental factors on corn yield corn yield 
Corn harvest efficiency - getting the most from your crop corn 
Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in soybeans plant analysis soybeans 
Liming prior to fall seeding of alfalfa alfalfa soil 
Summary of 2019 winter canola yields in Kansas  yield results canola yield 
Insect activity update for late July - Sorghum and soybean pests insects sorghum soybeans 
Subsurface Drip Irrigation Technology Field Day in Colby, August 7 irrigation 
2019 Range Management Schools scheduled for August at two locations 
North Central Experiment Fall Field Day, August 20, Scandia 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 13 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 21 

758  July 19th, 2019    

Southern rust detected on corn in Kansas  corn disease 
Estimating corn yield potential corn yield potential 
When a heat wave hits, utilize the Animal Comfort Index from the Kansas Mesonet weather 
Learn about the bluestems species in Kansas bluestems 
2019 Range Management Schools scheduled for August at two locations 
North Central Experiment Fall Field Day, August 20, Scandia 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 13 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 21 
2019 Soil Health Summer Tour Field Day, August 12 in Spring Hill 
Winter canola 2019 season wrap-up meeting July 30 in Anthony 

757  July 12th, 2019    

Management considerations for hailed out wheat and summer crops wheat damage hail 
Post-harvest weed control in wheat stubble weed control weeds wheat 
What factors should be considered before baling or burning wheat residue? soil conservation wheat soil 
Kansas insect activity update - Dectes stem borers and Japanese beetles insects 
Ag-Climate Update for June 2019 climate weather 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 13 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 21 
2019 Soil Health Summer Tour Field Day, August 12 in Spring Hill 
Winter canola 2019 season wrap-up meeting July 30 in Anthony 

756  July 3rd, 2019    

Wheat streak mosaic: The importance of early control of volunteer wheat  wheat 
Response of vegetation to flooding flooding precipitation 
Potential causes for stressed corn this growing season corn drought 
Prevented plant acres planted to cover crops: Kansas NRCS program and RMA rule changes cover crops 
2018 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial final report hay silage forage 
New KSRE publication on Fusarium head blight (head scab) in wheat Fusarium publication wheat 

June 2019

755  June 28th, 2019    

Twisted, wrapped whorls, and trapped yellow leaves in corn corn disease damage 
Assessing hail damage to corn damage corn 
Application intervals for post-emergence dicamba applications in Xtend crops expanded dicamba herbicide weed control cotton soybeans 
Fungicide management of gray leaf spot - Don't miss treatment window fungicide corn disease 
Evaluating corn fields for root-lesion nematode yield potential corn disease 
Soybean insect update - Bean leaf beetles and webworms soybeans insects damage 
Kansas weather outlook: Late summer and early fall 2019 weather climate 
2019 K-State/KARA Summer Field School  

754  June 25th, 2019    

Pre-harvest weed control in wheat - Sharpen update weed control weeds wheat 

753  June 19th, 2019    

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn crop progress corn plant analysis 
Dealing with Fusarium head blight (head scab) in wheat  Fusariam wheat disease 
Post-emergence marestail and pigweed control in soybean fields marestail pigweed weeds weed control soybeans 
Pre-harvest weed control in wheat weed control weeds wheat 
Update on summer row crop planting progress in Kansas and the Corn Belt crop progress planting corn soybeans 
2019 Kansas Corn Yield Contest corn yield results yield 
2019 K-State/KARA Summer Field School  

752  June 11th, 2019    

Planting progress update for corn and soybeans in Kansas crop progress planting corn soybeans 

751  June 10th, 2019    

Adjusting seeding rates for delayed planting of sorghum seeding rate wheat planting yield potential 
Kansas wheat update: June 10, 2019 wheat crop progress 
Control strategies for sericea lespedeza weeds weed control 
May 2019 - The wettest month ever recorded in Kansas weather precipitation 
Ag-Climate Update for May 2019 climate weather 
K-State wheat plot tours for June 10-14, 2019 
K-State 2019 Field Pea Plot tours 

May 2019

750  May 31st, 2019    

Late planting of soybeans: Management considerations late planting soybeans crop progress yield 
Diagnosing rootless corn syndrome disease corn 
Update on planting progress for corn and soybeans - May 28, 2019 corn soybeans planting crop progress 
Double crop options after wheat wheat double crop planting 
New publication on integrated pigweed management now available weed control publication pigweed 
Update on prevented plant decisions planting 
K-State wheat plot tours for June 3-7 and June 10-14, 2019 

749  May 25th, 2019    

Wet soils and N loss: How much of the applied nitrogen has undergone nitrification? water soil moisture precipitation nitrogen soil 
Possible causes for white heads in wheat wheat damage 
Corn planting progress for Kansas and other Corn Belt states planting crop progress corn 
Can excessive rainfall prematurely kill the wheat crop in parts of Kansas and Oklahoma? precipitation wheat 
Effect of delayed planting on corn yield late planting yield potential corn planting yield 
Late planting of corn: Hybrid selection and crop insurance considerations late planting corn hybrid 
Update on stripe rust and leaf rust in wheat - Late May 2019 wheat rust wheat crop progress 
Update on current and ongoing flooding in Kansas flooding water precipitation weather 
K-State wheat plot tours for May 28-31, 2019 
Kansas Composting Operators' School, June 11-12 in Manhattan 

748  May 20th, 2019    

POSTPONED - Winter canola field day in Kingman County on May 20 

747  May 17th, 2019    

Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices sorghum planting 
Herbicide carryover considerations when recropping damaged wheat herbicide wheat 
Common questions about soil sampling for pH and liming in continuous no-till fields no-tillage soil sampling 
Summer weather outlook for Kansas - June, July, and August weather climate 
New publication on spatial characterization of soybean yield and quality soybean yield publication 
K-State wheat plot tours for May 20-24, 2019 
Three winter canola 2019 field days scheduled for late May 
Kansas Composting Operators' School, June 11-12 in Manhattan 

746  May 10th, 2019    

Effect of standing water and saturated soils on corn growth corn soil water planting erosion 
Soybean response to standing water and saturated soils soybeans water soils planting erosion 
Sidewall compaction from planting into wet soils planting water soil 
Considerations for corn planted under wet conditions precipitation corn planting water weather 
Control options for buckbrush, roughleaf dogwood, and smooth sumac brush 
Update on wheat leaf rust and stripe rust development - May 10, 2019 wheat rust wheat 
Risk of Fusarium head blight in wheat increasing in south central Kansas Fusarium wheat 
K-State wheat plot tours for May 13-17, 2019 
Ag-Climate Update for April 2019 climate weather 
Three winter canola 2019 field days scheduled for late May 
Kansas Composting Operators' School, June 11-12 in Manhattan 

745  May 3rd, 2019    

Soybean seeding rates and optimum plant populations soybeans seeding rate 
2019 Kansas Wheat Crop Conditions: A report following the Wheat Quality Tour wheat crop progress 
Is there any value to starter fertilizer on soybeans? fertilizer soybeans 
Management strategies to minimize iron chlorosis in soybeans deficiency soybeans 
What factors affect successful soybean inoculation and nodulation? soybeans 
Inoculation of soybeans: A good insurance policy soybeans nitrogen 
Risk of Fusarium head blight suggests potential problems in southeast Kansas Fusarium precipitation weather wheat disease 
Decision time on foliar fungicides for wheat producers in southern Kansas wheat fungicide wheat rust 
Kansas Mesonet launches cattle comfort tool cattle 
Kansas Composting Operators' School, June 11-12 in Manhattan 
Pesticide recordkeeping survey - Applicator feedback requested 

April 2019

744  April 26th, 2019    

Effect of row spacing on soybean yield soybeans yield row spacing 
Soil temperature and forecast are critical for successful cotton stand establishment soil planting cotton 
Wheat update for April 26, 2019: Precipitation, diseases, and overall condition wheat precipitation weather 
Alfalfa weevil update - Continue monitoring alfalfa 
Surefire Canola - New winter canola cultivar now available to Kansas producers canola 
Pesticide recordkeeping survey - Applicator feedback requested 
Updated K-State fact sheets:  fact sheets corn insects 
Wheat sampling and shipping recommendations for virus testing at K-State wheat disease 

743  April 19th, 2019    

Soil temperature and cold injury for corn soil cold cold tolerance corn 
First reports in Kansas of wheat rust activity for 2019 wheat wheat rust 
Wheat fungicide publication: Updated for 2019 wheat fungicide 
Alfalfa weevil update - Dramatic increase in activity alfalfa 
Soybean planting dates and maturity group: K-State recommendations soybean planting 
Soybean fertilizer requirements in Kansas soybean fertilizer 
Environmental Microbiologist to Present International Agronomy Lecture, April 23 
Cover crops morning field day, April 25 in Geary County 

742  April 12th, 2019    

Weed control strategies for grain sorghum weeds grain sorghum weed control sorghum 
Considerations for split fungicide treatments on wheat fungicide wheat 
What are the causes of yellow wheat? wheat nitrogen 
Alfalfa weevil activity in Kansas - Early April 2019 alfalfa 
First hollow stem update: April 9, 2019 first hollow stem wheat 
2017 Census of Agriculture results released April 11 
Ag-Climate Update for March 2019 weather climate 
Cover crops morning field day, April 25 in Geary County 

741  April 5th, 2019    

Soil and plant considerations for late applications of anhydrous ammonia  soil plant corn anhydrous ammonia 
Placement and rate considerations for nitrogen application with starter fertilizer fertilizer nitrogen corn 
Soil temperature and moisture update for early April 2019 soil soil moisture 
Pre-emergence herbicide programs for corn herbicide corn 
First hollow stem update: April 3, 2019 wheat first hollow stem 
Soybean disease management considerations for 2019 soybean disease 
Review of drought-tolerant corn hybrids: Yield benefits corn yield drought 
Freeze climatology and low temperatures on the Mesonet 
Cover crops morning field day, April 25 in Geary County 

740  April 3rd, 2019    

First hollow stem update: April 1, 2019 first hollow stem wheat 

March 2019

739  March 29th, 2019    

Pay attention to growth stage for spring herbicide decisions on wheat  herbicide wheat 
First hollow stem update: March 27, 2019 first hollow stem wheat 
Winter observations for the 2019 canola crop canola 
2017 Census of Agriculture results to be released April 11 

738  March 28th, 2019    

First hollow stem update: March 25, 2019 wheat first hollow stem 

737  March 22nd, 2019    

Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations corn seeding rate 
First hollow stem update: March 22, 2019 first hollow stem wheat 
Outlook for stripe rust in the 2019 Kansas wheat crop yield potential wheat 
Recommendations for topdressing wheat with sulfur  topdress wheat sulfur 
Chloride as a topdressing nutrient for wheat  topdress wheat chloride 
Soil temperature and moisture update for late March 2019 soil soil moisture 
Noted soil fertility professor to speak on the critical role of extension on March 25 soil 
2019 Kansas Leopold Conservation Award Call of Nominations 

736  March 15th, 2019    

Optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures: First hollow stem wheat pastures cattle grazing first hollow stem 
First hollow stem update: March 15, 2019 wheat first hollow stem 
Soybean plant-back guidelines following Resicore in Kansas soybeans weed control 
On-farm Research Collaborative Project: Non-biased, research-based, and grower-driven 
Prescribed burning resources prescribed burning 
Kansas weather - A storm for the record books climate weather 

735  March 8th, 2019    

Kansas wheat crop update - March 8, 2019 wheat crop progress 
Topdressing wheat with nitrogen: Timing, application methods, sources, and rates wheat topdress nitrogen 
A storm is brewing...spring fieldwork troubles spring soil soil moisture 
Nitrogen loss potential during the winter and fertilizer options this spring fertilizer nitrogen winter spring spring fertilizer 
Managing spring-planted cover crops for grazing cover crops grazing spring planting 
K-State Agronomy is sad to announce the passing of Dr. Stan Ehler 
Ag-Climate Update for February climate 

734  March 1st, 2019    

Fertilization of tall fescue and smooth bromegrass pastures and hayfields pastures nitrogen hay fertilizer 
Palmer amaranth resistance to 2,4-D and dicamba confirmed in Kansas planting weed control herbicide dicamba palmer amaranth weeds 
Become a volunteer weather reporter in Kansas - Join CoCoRaHS 
2019 Kansas dicamba training information: Frequently asked questions  application training dicamba 
2018 Kansas Performance Tests with soybean varieties report now available soybeans Performance Tests 
2018 Kansas Performance Tests with grain sorghum hybrids report now available sorghum grain sorghum Performance Tests 
Upcoming workshops on growing cotton in Kansas - Updated 

February 2019

733  February 22nd, 2019    

Spring weather outlook for Kansas weather spring 
Summary of 2018 Kansas Corn Yield Contest corn yield results 
Updated resources on the Kansas Climate website weather 
Upcoming workshops on growing cotton and canola in Kansas 
Updated - Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019 

732  February 15th, 2019    

Plant, soil, and fertilizer considerations for chloride management in Kansas soil deficiency fertilizer chloride 
Grazing cover crops: Toxicity considerations  grazing cattle cover crops forage toxicity 
Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019 

731  February 8th, 2019    

Topdressing canola: How to maximize the benefits topdress canola 
Marestail in soybeans: Strategies for the best control weeds weed control soybeans 
Late-winter preplant applications for kochia control weeds winter weed control kochia herbicide 
Ag-Climate Update for January 2019 - New look and features weather 
Learn about the new monthly Kansas Ag-Climate Update weather 
Updated - Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019 
K-State Pre-Plant Corn Schools - February 2019 

730  February 1st, 2019    

Soil considerations for onsite wastewater systems soil water 
Updated for 2019 - Kansas Sorghum Management publication publication sorghum 
2018 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report now available corn Performance Tests 
Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019 
K-State Pre-Plant Corn Schools - February 2019 
Don't miss the K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 

January 2019

729  January 25th, 2019    

2018 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial results now available Performance Tests forage hay 
Updated - Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019 
K-State Pre-Plant Corn Schools - February 2019 
Don't miss the K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 

728  January 18th, 2019    

Which wheat varieties maximize fall forage production in Kansas? wheat fall forage dual purpose 
Prescribed burning workshops scheduled for 2019 prescribed burning workshops 
K-State Pre-Plant Corn Schools - February 2019 
Five K-State Soybean Schools are still open for registrations 
Updated: K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 

727  January 11th, 2019    

Update on dicamba applicator training for 2019 dicamba application training herbicide 
Kansas weather summary for December 2018 - Wet beginning and end weather 
Kansas weather highlights for 2018 weather 
K-State Pre-Plant Corn Schools - February 2019 
Don't miss the 2019 K-State Soybean Schools 
Updated: K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 15-16 in Oberlin 
Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference, January 17-18 in Junction City 

726  January 4th, 2019    

2019 K-State Corn Schools - Get registered now Corn Schools 
Registration open for the K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for January 2019 Soybean Schools 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 15-16 in Oberlin 
Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference, January 17-18 in Junction City 
Alternative Crops Workshops scheduled for January 10 & 11 
