2018 eUpdate Archive

December 2018

725  December 21st, 2018    

Calculating the value and proper storage of poultry litter fertilizer poultry litter 
Wind chill analysis...at your fingertips! wind chill weather 
Will it be a white Christmas or white New Year for Kansas? precipitation weather 
2019 K-State Corn Schools - Get registered now 
Registration open for the K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for January 2019 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 

724  December 14th, 2018    

Update on winter wheat growth and development in Kansas wheat crop progress 
Nutrient availability in poultry manure  poultry litter fertilizer 
New K-State 2019 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online weeds weed control publication 
Kansas Corn Management publication - Updated for 2019 publication corn 
2019 K-State Corn Schools - Get registered now 
K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for January 2019 
K-State Sorghum Schools scheduled for early February 2019 

723  December 7th, 2018    

Sulfur deficiency in wheat deficiency wheat sulfur 
Kansas disease summary for 2018 - Corn, soybeans, and sorghum disease corn soybeans sorghum 
The creeping trends of a changing climate  weather climate 
Kansas weather summary for November - Cold and dry weather climate 
Save the Date: K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for late January 
Winter Forage Conference highlights pasture, rangeland, and forage insurance - Dec. 11 

November 2018

722  November 30th, 2018    

Challenges with late-harvested crops and forages - Part 2 precipitation harvest late harvest 
Facts about Kansas snow cover snow precipitation weather climate 
A Brief of the Fourth National Climate Assessment for the Southern Great Plains climate 
Save the Date: K-State Soybean Schools scheduled for late January 
Winter Forage Conference highlights pasture, rangeland, and forage insurance - Dec. 11 

721  November 16th, 2018    

Challenges with late-harvested crops and forages late harvest harvest precipitation 
Dicamba registrations renewed for Xtendimax, Engenia, and FeXapan  dicamba herbicide weed control weeds 
Control of mustards in wheat - Timely treatment is important mustards wheat weeds weed control 
Identification and characteristics of the different mustard species in Kansas mustards weeds weed control 

720  November 12th, 2018    

Sharp decline in temperatures: Possible impacts on the Kansas wheat crop weather wheat 

719  November 9th, 2018    

What are some options for damaged soybeans? soybeans damage 
Considerations for fall applications of anhydrous ammonia fall fertilizer anhydrous ammonia 
CoAXium wheat and Aggressor herbicide for grass weed control  wheat herbicide weed control weeds 
Kansas Mesonet launches soil moisture monitoring tool soil moisture 
October climate summary for Kansas - Cool and wet  climate weather 

718  November 2nd, 2018    

Wheat leaf rust establishes a foothold in Kansas wheat rust wheat disease 
Nitrogen loss potential from wheat fields this fall deficiency topdress nitrogen wheat fertilizer 
Sorghum midge: Implications for grain sorghum in central and western Kansas  sorghum grain sorghum damage insect 
Potential for blackleg leaf spot in canola canola fungicide disease 
As temperatures fall, what factors influence the survival of winter canola? winter survival canola weather climate 

October 2018

717  October 26th, 2018    

Fall soil testing of hay fields and pasture soil testing fall hayfields hay pasture 
Winter weather outlook for Kansas: Looking ahead to December - February winter winter weather weather climate 
Save the date - 2019 K-State Corn Schools 

716  October 19th, 2018    

Replanting decisions for winter wheat wheat replanting 
Alfalfa management: Deciding on last cutting this fall fall alfalfa 
Consider fall treatments for control of marestail in soybeans weeds fall-applied weed control herbicide marestail soybeans 
Controlling annual weeds with fall-applied herbicides ahead of corn and sorghum weeds fall-applied kochia herbicide weed control corn sorghum 
Rate of dry down in sorghum before harvest drydown crop progress sorghum 
Update - Forecasting corn yields for Kansas for 2018 yield forecast crop progress corn 
Kansas climate patterns: Earliest snowfall and first snowfall dates since 1950 weather snow climate 
Drought update for Kansas - October 19, 2018 precipitation drought climate weather 
Save the date - 2019 K-State Corn Schools 

715  October 16th, 2018    

Freezing temperatures: Potential impacts on crop yield damage freeze yield corn sorghum soybeans 
Summer growing season screeches to a halt in Kansas freeze cold tolerance cold snow 

714  October 12th, 2018    

Rainfall and cold temperatures will potentially delay wheat-sowing progress in Kansas precipitation cold wheat 
Wheat planting date and seeding rate research in northwest Kansas wheat yield potential seeding rate planting yield 
Soybean conditions before harvest - Pod shattering soybeans harvest crop progress 
Sorghum development and potential freeze injury sorghum freeze damage crop progress yield potential 
Prussic acid in sorghum following a hard freeze sorghum freeze 
Fall musk thistle control weed control weeds musk thistle 
2018 corn hybrid performance available online at myFields.info Performance Tests corn hybrid 
Agronomy seminar on using industrial hemp as a commodity crop, October 16 
2018 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contest 

713  October 5th, 2018    

Consider sampling now for soybean cyst nematode soybean cyst nematode soybeans 
Look for a wet start to October for much of Kansas weather precipitation climate 
Kochia accessions with cross-resistance to dicamba and fluroxypyr identified in western Kansas kochia dicamba weeds weed control 
September 2018 Kansas weather summary - Variability was the trend precipitation weather climate 
Water, temperature, and crop productivity research climate weather 
Agronomy seminar on using industrial hemp as a commodity crop, October 16 
2018 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contest 

September 2018

712  September 28th, 2018    

Wheat planting conditions as of late-September 2018 wheat planting soil moisture weather 
Wheat variety selection and the emerging vulnerability to stem rust in Kansas wheat rust wheat disease 
Forecasting 2018 Kansas corn yields yield forecast corn 
Green stem syndrome in soybeans green stem soybeans 
The challenge of collecting a representative soil sample  soil sampling 
Fall soil sampling: Sample collection and submission to K-State Soil Testing Lab soil sampling 
Fall has arrived and the Mesonet freeze monitor returns winter weather fall freeze weather 
A brief of global research on drought monitoring drought climate 
2018 Kansas Soybean Yield and Value Contest 

711  September 21st, 2018    

Common causes of late-season stalk lodging in corn stalk rot corn 
Understanding late-season purpling in corn corn 
Late-season purpling in grain sorghum sorghum 
Soybean dry down rate before harvest crop progress soybeans drydown 
Fall control of bindweed bindweed weeds weed control 
Bur ragweed control with early fall treatments bur ragweed bindweed weeds weed control 
Kansas Bankers Association Awards nominations due by November 5 

710  September 14th, 2018    

Optimum sowing dates and seeding rates for wheat in Kansas seeding rate planting wheat 
Evaluate wheat seed size to improve wheat seeding density and final stand wheat seeding rate 
Seed drill calibration to improve wheat seed distribution wheat planting 
Ongoing research conducted on seeding rates for dryland wheat in western Kansas seeding rate wheat dryland 
Pre-harvest glyphosate treatment on sorghum in a no-till system no-tillage glyphosate sorghum 
New eUpdate series on agriculture, climate, and change - Part 1 climate 
Kansas Mesonet continues to grow and improve Mesonet weather 
Kansas Bankers Association Awards nominations due by November 5 

709  September 7th, 2018    

Early planting of wheat can lead to several problems wheat planting 
Control seed-borne diseases in wheat with fungicide seed treatments seed treatment disease wheat fungicide 
Wheat seeding tips for good stand establishment seed treatment wheat planting seeding rate 
Winter canola planting considerations canola planting 
Estimating grain sorghum yield potential sorghum yield potential 
Rate of dry down in corn before harvest crop progress drydown corn 
The Labor Day Storm: September 3, 2018 weather 
August 2018 weather summary for Kansas - Change in patterns weather Climate 
Dryland corn and sorghum field days to be held in central and western Kansas dryland corn sorghum 

August 2018

708  August 31st, 2018    

Drought-stressed corn - Considerations when harvesting for grain drought corn harvest 
Aflatoxin in corn: A potential concern in dry years corn drought disease 
Kansas Soil of the Month(s): The Eudora and Sarpy Complex soil 
SoilWeb: An on-the-go soil mapping resource at your fingertips soil 
Control woody plants on rangeland: Basal bark and cut-stump herbicide applications herbicide woody plants rangeland 
Sorghum insect update - 'Headworms', beneficials, and aphids sorghum insects 
2018 Kansas Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties report available online Performance Tests wheat 

707  August 24th, 2018    

Estimating soybean yield potential yield potential soybeans 
Recommendations for fall planting of alfalfa planting alfalfa 
Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans - 2018 update Sudden Death Syndrome soybeans disease 
Starter fertilizers for wheat fertilizer wheat 
Tips on scouting for Dectes stem borer in soybeans insects soybeans 
Effect of cool temperatures (mild stress) on summer row crops sorghum soybeans corn 
2018 Kansas Corn Yield Contest - Registration deadline is August 30 
Pre-plant wheat schools to be held across Kansas 
Winter Canola Pre-plant School, August 28 in Wichita 

706  August 17th, 2018    

Volunteer wheat control: Protecting Kansas wheat wheat volunteer wheat 
Factors to consider when selecting a wheat variety wheat 
Small grain forage options for this fall fall forage 
Winter canola variety options from K-State canola 
Managing wheat for forage and grain: The dual-purpose system grazing dual purpose forage wheat 
Fall planting of smooth bromegrass pastures pastures bromegrass planting 
Fall planting of tall fescue pastures tall fescue planting pastures 
Update on drought conditions and the 3-month fall outlook weather Drought Mesonet precipitation 
Pre-plant wheat schools to be held across Kansas 
Dryland Ag Day planned in Southwest Kansas, August 21 
North Central Experiment Fall Field Day, August 21 in Belleville 
Winter Canola Preplant School, August 28 in Wichita 
Southwest Research-Extension Center Fall Field Day, August 23 in Garden City 

705  August 10th, 2018    

Final irrigation of the season - Timing is everything water irrigation 
Estimating corn yield potential corn yield potential 
Extreme temperatures: Impact on 2018 corn yields in eastern Kansas corn yield potential weather climate 
Controlling tall, thick stands of weeds in wheat stubble weeds weed control wheat 
Planning your wheat fertility program: Start now by soil testing wheat soil testing fertilizer 
Correlation of soil test nitrate level and wheat yields yield soil testing wheat 
Update on insect activity in grain sorghum - August 10, 2018 grain sorghum insects sorghum 
Dryland Ag Day planned in Southwest Kansas, August 21 
Corn Production and Technology Field Day, August 16 
North Central Experiment Fall Field Day, August 21 in Belleville 
Winter Canola Preplant School, August 28 in Wichita 
Southwest Research-Extension Center Fall Field Day, August 23 in Garden City 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 14 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 15 

July 2018

704  July 27th, 2018    

The basics of blue-green algae and the risk to livestock livestock 
Testing and management options for blue-green algae in farm ponds livestock 
Strategies for improving corn harvest efficiency corn harvest 
Update on insect activity in grain sorghum - July 27, 2018 insects grain sorghum 
Great Plains Canola Production Handbook - Updated for 2018 publication canola 
Corn Production and Technology Field Day, August 16 
North Central Experiment Fall Field Day, August 21 in Belleville 
Winter Canola Preplant School, August 28 in Wichita 
Southwest Research-Extension Center Fall Field Day, August 23 in Garden City 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 14 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 15 

703  July 20th, 2018    

Mid-summer control of volunteer wheat volunteer wheat wheat 
Liming prior to fall seeding of alfalfa alfalfa planting fall 
Stressed corn: Formula for estimating corn yield potential yield potential corn 
Updated publication on abnormal corn ears now available publication corn 
Importance of post-wheat harvest weed control in dryland cropping systems wheat harvest weed control dryland weeds 
Updated Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings publication wheat disease insects publication 
2018 Demonstration Plot Tour will be held July 25 in Grantville 
Southwest Research-Extension Center Fall Field Day, August 23 in Garden City 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 14 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 15 
Don't miss the soil health summer tour - July 27 

702  July 13th, 2018    

Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in soybeans plant analysis soybeans 
First report of sugarcane aphid on grain sorghum in Kansas grain sorghum sorghum insects 
Canola yields in Kansas in 2018 canola yield results 
Kansas River Valley Fall Field Day - August 14 
East Central Experiment Field fall field day - August 15 
Soil health summer tour - July 27 

701  July 6th, 2018    

Factors to consider before baling or burning wheat residue hay wheat burning 
Effect of high night temperatures on corn yield corn yield nighttime temperatures 
Drought update for Kansas - July 6, 2018 Mesonet drought climate weather precipitation 
June weather summary for Kansas - It's still hot... Mesonet weather climate 
Exciting news for 2018 - Kansas Corn Yield Contest 
Soil health summer tour - July 27, 2018 

700  July 2nd, 2018    

Pre-harvest weed control in wheat - Sharpen update weeds weed control wheat 
Post-harvest weed control in wheat stubble weeds weed control wheat 
Curtis R. Thompson, Professor and Extension Specialist for Weed Science, to retire after 25 years at K-State 
June Soil of the Month for Kansas: Harney soil 
Fungicide management of gray leaf spot - Don't miss treatment window fungicide disease corn 
Start scouting soon for sugarcane aphids insects sorghum grain sorghum 
Update on insect activity in Kansas crop fields - June 28, 2018 insects soybeans corn sorghum alfalfa 
Exciting news for 2018 - Kansas Corn Yield Contest 
Soil health summer tour - July 27, 2018 

June 2018

699  June 25th, 2018    

Identifying nutrient deficiency symptoms in soybeans nutrient deficiency soybeans 
June heat in Kansas: High temperatures can stress livestock and corn livestock corn high temperatures 
Management options for stressed corn corn high temperatures 
Nitrate toxicity in drought-stressed corn Soil Testing Lab drought corn nitrate livestock soil testing 
Plant analysis for testing nutrient levels in corn plant analysis corn 
Chinch bug activity is high in Kansas corn and grain sorghum insects corn grain sorghum sorghum 
Great Plains Grazing to host beef cattle producer conference on June 28-29 

698  June 15th, 2018    

Pre-harvest weed control in wheat weed control weeds wheat 
Postemergence marestail and pigweed control in soybean fields soybeans marestail pigweed weed control weeds 
Update on corn rootworm activity in Kansas corn rootworm 
Great Plains Grazing to host beef cattle producer conference on June 28-29 

697  June 8th, 2018    

Double crop options after wheat double crop wheat 
Evaluating corn fields for root-lesion nematode corn root-lesion nematode 
Late planting of soybeans: Management considerations late planting soybeans 
Chemical control of roughleaf dogwood and smooth sumac weed control 
Soil of the Month for May: Quinlan soil 
Hybrid selection tool now available for Kansas corn producers corn hybrids hybrid corn 
Kansas weather summary for May: Summer heat arrives early weather climate 
K-State Tillage Field Day planned for June 13, Garden City 
K-State field pea plot tours: June 6, 14, and 15 

696  June 1st, 2018    

Diagnosing early-season growth problems in corn corn disease damage 
Possible causes for white heads in wheat wheat damage disease 
Sericea lespedeza control in rangeland, pasture, and CRP pasture rangeland weeds weed control 
Considerations when harvesting short wheat harvest wheat 
Volunteer corn may pose threat to 2018 corn yields yield potential corn volunteer corn yield 
Assessing hail damage to corn damage corn 
K-State Tillage Field Day planned for June 13, Garden City 
K-State field pea plot tours: June 6, 14, and 15 

May 2018

695  May 30th, 2018    

Effects of recent high temperatures on wheat wheat damage 

694  May 18th, 2018    

Severe weather update: Widespread hail on May 14 
Update on alfalfa insect activity in Kansas 
Learn about the new aphid in Kansas wheat: M.f. cerealium 
Kansas weather outlook for summer 2018 
2018 Field Pea and Wheat Plot Tour - June 14 
K-State Wheat Plot Tours for May 21-25 and May 29-June 1 
K-State winter canola field days: May 18 and May 30 
Spring Field Day: South Central Experiment Field, May 22 
Spring Crops Field Day: Southeast Research and Extension Center, May 22 
Spring Field Day: Southwest Research and Extension Center, May 23 

693  May 11th, 2018    

Forage options for drought-stressed wheat 
Sorghum management considerations: Planting practices 
Soil sampling for pH and liming in continuous no-till fields 
Impact of the recent warm weather on growing degree days 
Update on drought conditions in Kansas - May 11, 2018 
April weather summary for Kansas - Cold and dry 
K-State winter canola field days: May 18 and May 30 
K-State wheat plot tours for May 14-18 and May 21-25 
Spring Field Day: South Central Experiment Field, May 22 
Spring Crops Field Day: Southeast Research and Extension Center, May 22 
Spring Field Day: Southwest Research and Extension Center, May 23 

692  May 8th, 2018    

K-State wheat plot tours for May 7-11 and May 14-18 

691  May 4th, 2018    

2018 Kansas Wheat Quality Tour report 
Inoculation of soybeans: A good insurance policy 
Factors affecting successful soybean inoculation and nodulation 
Update on corn planting progress in Kansas 
Spring Crops Field Day: Southeast Research and Extension Center, May 22 
Spring Field Day: Southwest Research and Extension Center, May 23 
K-State Composting School - Last day to register is Friday, May 4 
Kansas wheat management survey - Producer input needed  

April 2018

690  April 27th, 2018    

Effect of row spacing on soybean yield 
Management strategies to minimize iron chlorosis in soybeans 
Is there any value to starter fertilizer on soybeans? 
Winter stand losses in canola  
Sudden Death Syndrome and soybean planting date: K-State research 
Kansas Soil of the Month for April: Pawnee 
Update on stripe rust in Kansas 
Corn planting progress in Kansas: Effects of weather and projected conditions 
K-State Composting School - Register by May 4 
Kansas wheat management survey - Producer input needed  
2018 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School, May 9-10 in Garden City 

689  April 20th, 2018    

Wheat graze-out decision during the 2017-18 growing season 
Soybean seeding rates and optimum plant populations 
Soybean planting dates and maturity group: Trends and K-State recommendations 
How dry and windy has it been in Kansas during 2018? 
What tools are used to monitor and track drought? 
Midwest Cover Crops Field Scout mobile app now available 
K-State Composting School to be held in two locations in May 
Kansas wheat management survey - Producer input needed  
2018 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School, May 9-10 in Garden City 

688  April 18th, 2018    

Emergency measures to control wind erosion 

687  April 16th, 2018    

Update on recent cold temperatures: Risk of freeze injury to Kansas wheat 
Update: Soil temperature variations and cold injury for corn 

686  April 13th, 2018    

Effect of cold temperatures to newly planted corn 
What are the causes of yellow wheat? 
Latest information on alfalfa pest activity in Kansas 
Weed control strategies in grain sorghum 
Soybean fertilizer requirements in Kansas 
Update on wheat stripe rust in southeast Kansas and risk of severe disease 
On-farm Research Collaborative Project: Non-biased, research-based, and grower-driven 
Kansas drought update - April 12, 2018 
K-State Composting School to be held in two locations in May 
Kansas wheat management survey - Producer input needed  
2018 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School, May 9-10 in Garden City 
KDA now accepting approved on-line dicamba applicator training 

685  April 9th, 2018    

Cold temperatures on April 7-8: Risk of freeze injury to Kansas wheat  

684  April 6th, 2018    

First hollow stem update: April 5, 2018 
Preemergence herbicide programs for corn 
Soil temperature update as of early April 
Review of drought-tolerant corn hybrids: Yield benefits 
Update on prescribed burning in Kansas and what online resources are available 
Kansas weather summary for March 2018 - Another dry month 
Kansas drought update - April 5, 2018 
2018 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School, May 9-10 in Garden City 
KDA now accepting approved on-line dicamba applicator training 
2017 Census of Agriculture - It's not too late to be counted! 

683  April 4th, 2018    

First hollow stem update: April 3, 2018 
Cold snap on April 3-4: Can this damage the 2018 Kansas wheat crop? 
Diagnosing freeze damage to wheat 

March 2018

682  March 30th, 2018    

First hollow stem update: March 28, 2018 
Starter fertilizer rates and placement for corn 
K-State scientists discover breakthrough in understanding glyphosate resistance in pigweeds 
Kansas Soil of the Month for March: Dwight 
Ten commonly asked questions when pondering dry ponds 
Kansas drought update - March 27, 2018 
2018 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School, May 9-10 in Garden City 
KDA now accepting approved on-line dicamba applicator training 
2017 Census of Agriculture - It's not too late to be counted! 

681  March 28th, 2018    

First hollow stem update: March 23, 2018 

680  March 23rd, 2018    

First hollow stem update: March 21, 2018 
Split fungicide treatments on wheat: Should producers consider an early application? 
Alfalfa weevil update - Still too early to apply treatment 
Can dry soils affect anhydrous ammonia applications in Kansas? 
Optimal corn seeding rate recommendations 
Kansas drought update - March 20, 2018 
2018 In-Depth Wheat Diagnostic School, May 9-10 in Garden City 
Keep spreading the word about the Extension Agronomy eUpdate! 
2017 Census of Agriculture - It's not too late to be counted! 

679  March 16th, 2018    

First hollow stem update: March 14, 2018 
Chloride as a topdressing nutrient for wheat 
Update on soil temperatures in Kansas 
Kansas wheat crop update - March 16 
Update on drought conditions for Kansas - March 15 
2017 Kansas Summer Annual Forage Hay and Silage Variety Trial results now available 
New K-State publication - "Satellite Data and Agronomic Decisions" 
2017 Census of Agriculture - It's not too late to be counted! 
Don't miss the K-State Soybean School at Phillipsburg on March 21 

678  March 9th, 2018    

First hollow stem update: March 6, 2018 
Pay attention to growth stage for spring herbicide decisions on wheat 
Recommendations for topdressing wheat with sulfur 
Stripe rust outlook for 2018 
Dust in the wind: Blowing soil and strong winds in Kansas 
Kansas Weather Summary for February - Cool and dry 
Don't miss the K-State Soybean School at Phillipsburg on March 21 

677  March 5th, 2018    

Increased wildfire risk across Kansas - Take necessary precautions 

676  March 2nd, 2018    

First hollow stem update: Week of February 25, 2018 
Just in time for spring - Enhanced soil temperature data on the Kansas Mesonet 
Alfalfa weevil could be emerging soon 
Still time to register for canola informational meeting, Great Bend, March 6 
Don't miss the K-State Soybean School at Phillipsburg on March 21 
Soil Health Workshop to be held on March 8 in Manhattan 

February 2018

675  February 23rd, 2018    

Optimal time to remove cattle from wheat pastures: First hollow stem 
New eUpdate monthly series for 2018: "Kansas Soil of the Month" 
Presentation videos available from the 2018 Cover Your Acres Winter Conference 
On-Farm Research meeting to held on March 2 in Salina 
Soil health workshop planned for February 28 in Oswego 
Canola informational meeting to be held in Great Bend, March 6 
Don't miss the K-State Soybean School at Phillipsburg on March 21 
Prescribed Burning workshops still available for 2018 
Soil Health Workshop to be held on March 8 in Manhattan 

674  February 16th, 2018    

How much moisture is in that snow? 
Updated for 2018 - Kansas Sorghum Management publication 
2017 Kansas Performance Tests with Grain Sorghum Hybrids report now online 
On-Farm Research meeting to held on March 2 in Salina 
Soil health workshop planned for February 28 in Oswego 
Canola informational meeting to be held in Great Bend, March 6 
Don't miss the K-State Soybean School at Phillipsburg on March 21 
Prescribed Burning workshops scheduled for 2018 
Soil Health Workshop to be held on March 8 in Manhattan 

673  February 9th, 2018    

Strategies for control of marestail in soybeans 
Updated for 2018 - Kansas Soybean Management publication 
2017 Kansas Performance Tests with Soybean Varieties report now online 
Kansas weather: When the atmosphere runs dry 
January weather summary for Kansas: Welcome moisture for some areas 
Canola informational meeting to be held in Great Bend, March 6 
K-State Soybean School at Phillipsburg rescheduled for March 21 
Prescribed Burning workshops scheduled for 2018 
Soil Health Workshop to be held on March 8 in Manhattan 
Register now for the Western Kansas Forage Conference, February 21 in Garden City 

672  February 2nd, 2018    

Topdressing wheat with nitrogen: Timing, application methods, source, and rates 
Updated for 2018 - Kansas Corn Management publication 
2017 Kansas Performance Tests with Corn Hybrids report now online 
Learn the difference between fire weather watches and red flag warnings 
Update on the drought conditions in Kansas 
K-State Soybean School at Phillipsburg rescheduled for March 21 
Prescribed Burning workshops scheduled for 2018 
Soil Health Workshop to be held on March 8 in Manhattan 
Register now for the Western Kansas Forage Conference, February 21 in Garden City 
Don't miss the K-State Sorghum Schools in early February 

January 2018

671  January 26th, 2018    

Topdressing canola: How to maximize the benefits 
New herbicides and label changes for corn and sorghum in 2018 
Update: Soybean School at Phillipsburg rescheduled for March 21 
La Nina outlook for February through April in Kansas 
Prescribed Burning workshops scheduled for 2018 
K-State Pre-plant Corn School, January 30, Parsons 
K-State Pre-plant Corn School, February 1, Marysville 
Western Kansas Forage Conference, February 21 in Garden City 
Register by January 31 for the K-State Sorghum Schools in early February 

670  January 21st, 2018    

Update: Soybean School scheduled for January 22 is cancelled 

669  January 19th, 2018    

Update on possible impacts of January's cold temperatures to the Kansas wheat crop 
Kansas crop disease summary for 2017 
Late-winter preplant applications for kochia control 
Prescribed Burning workshops scheduled for 2018 
Training required for application of dicamba herbicides 
Western Kansas Forage Conference, February 21 in Garden City 
Register by January 31 for the K-State Sorghum Schools in early February 
K-State Soybean Schools offered in late January 

668  January 12th, 2018    

Winter/spring options for winter annual broadleaf control in wheat 
Training required for application of dicamba herbicides 
Prescribed Burning workshops scheduled for 2018 
Kansas weather highlights for 2017 
2017 Kansas climate summary: Dry to wet to dry again 
Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference, January 18-19 in Junction City 
Canola College 2018 in Enid, Oklahoma, January 19 
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 16-17 in Oberlin 
Western Kansas Forage Conference, February 21 in Garden City 
Mark your calendar for the K-State Sorghum Schools in early February 
Get registered for the K-State Soybean Schools offered in late January 

667  January 5th, 2018    

Possible impacts of the recent cold weather to the Kansas wheat crop 
Frozen pond safety guidelines 
December weather summary for Kansas: Roller coaster temperatures 
Kansas Agricultural Technologies Conference, January 18-19 in Junction City 
Canola College 2018 in Enid, Oklahoma, January 19 
Cover Your Acres Winter Conference, January 16-17 in Oberlin 
Don't miss the Kansas Corn Management Schools in early January! 
Mark your calendar for the K-State Sorghum Schools in early February 
Get registered for the K-State Soybean Schools offered in late January 
K-State 2018 Chemical Weed Control Guide now available online